A diary of regret – Leonardo da Vinci

From Time Magazine …


As the ultimate Renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci meticulously recorded his thoughts, musings and sketches in journals throughout his life. Of the 30 that remain, his most famous is the Codex Hammer, named for the British nobleman who acquired the 72-page journal in 1717. Three years after Bill Gates bought the historic diary, he released a digitally scanned version for all the world to enjoy.

One of the most recognized names in western literature.

This is a man who, post humorously would be seen as unassailable in his brilliance.  He was no pauper as he was recognized for being great before death.

It’s insightful to hear that even he was plagued by that ever so human element of doubtfulness.

Throughout his life Leonardo da Vinci was plagued by a sense of failure, incompletion and time wasted. His favorite phrase, unconsciously repeated in whole or in part whenever he scribbled something to see if a newly cut pen was working, was “Tell me, tell me if anything got finished.” – Link

This speaks to me ever so much … not that I think I’m brilliant, but that I can recognize a pattern of desire in every living person, even the greatest ones.